2nd International Congress On Food Technology November 03-06, 2013 Kuşadası

 The Association of Food Technology 

The Association of Food Technology was founded on July 8, 1973. The names of the founder members of the Association are given below:

Prof. Arif V. AKMAN; Ankara University, Faculty of Agriculture
Prof. Turgut YAZICIOĞLU; Ankara University, Faculty of Agriculture
Prof. M. Hilmi PAMİR; Ankara University, Faculty of Agriculture
Prof. İsmet TÜRKER; Ankara University, Faculty of Agriculture
Dr. Ömer L. GÜRSES; Ankara University, Faculty of Agriculture
Prof. R. Kemal GÖKÇE; Ankara University, Faculty of Agriculture
Prof. Zühtü YÖNEY; Ankara University, Faculty of Agriculture
Dr. Tunay DURGUN; Ankara University, Faculty of Agriculture
Assoc. Prof. Mustafa METİN; Ankara University, Faculty of Agriculture
Assoc. Prof. Işıl FİDAN; Ankara University, Faculty of Agriculture
Prof. Muazzez ERALP; Ankara University, Faculty of Agriculture
Assoc. Prof. Nesrin KAPTAN; Ankara University, Faculty of Agriculture
Dr. Mustafa ÜÇÜNCÜ; Ankara University, Faculty of Agriculture
Mehmet AYDIN; Ministry of Agriculture, General Officer of Food Affairs
M. Sc. Lütfü ÇAKMAKÇI; Ankara University, Faculty of Agriculture

The Association of Food Technology is managed pursuant to the laws of the Republic of Turkey. Please click here for the brief history of the Association.

The purpose of the Association is to enable concerning scientists to share scientific developments obtained in various fields of food science and technology by the help of Journal of Food Science which is the media organ, and congresses.

22nd Period Directorate and Control Commissions were elected in General Board Meeting on May 30, 2011. According to this:

Directorate Commission:

President; Prof. A. Kadir HALKMAN
Ankara University, Faculty of Engineering, Food Engineering Department
Vice-President; Prof. Celalettin KOÇAK
Ankara University, Faculty of Agriculture, Dairy Technology Department
Secretary; Research Assistant Onur KETENOĞLU
Ankara University, Faculty of Engineering, Food Engineering Department
Accounting Officer; Prof. Ender S. POYRAZOĞLU
Ankara University, Faculty of Engineering, Food Engineering Department
Publication Director; Assoc. Prof. İbrahim ÇAKIR
Abant İzzet Baysal University, Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, Food Engineering Department
Training and Publicity Director; Prof. Atila YETİŞEMİYEN
Ankara University, Faculty of Agriculture, Dairy Technology Department
Foreign Affairs Representative; Assist. Prof. Birce TABAN
Ankara University, Faculty of Agriculture, Dairy Technology Department

The Control Commission:

Prof. Hamdi ERTAŞ
Ankara University, Faculty of Engineering, Food Engineering Department
Prof. Aziz TEKİN
Ankara University, Faculty of Engineering, Food Engineering Department
Prof. Berrin ÖZKAYA
Ankara University, Faculty of Engineering, Food Engineering Department.

The Association Regulation was modified unanimously in this Ordinary General Assembly and it has been accepted to change the name of the association as [The Association of Food Technology-Turkey] unanimously. Changing the name of the association like this will help us to take place in international institutions which are mainly IUFoST and EFFoST more actively. We have started some studies to change our association’s name. Please click here for the New Regulation of the Association of Food Technology.

The Association started publishing the Journal which is called “FOOD” in 1976. This journal has been maintaining its publication life by releasing 6 issues every year.

The Journal of FOOD is the first journal in the field of food science and technology in Turkey. Nowadays although there are various journals about food, the Journal of FOOD has still been the only academic journal thoroughly. The Journal of FOOD has been scanned on the database of CAB Abstracts since 1993, on the database of ULAKBİM; Agriculture, Veterinary and Biology Sciences since 1997, and on the database of Index Copernicus since 2007. Also, it has been finally included in the database by DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals) in 2011.

In this stage, the studies (the journal scanned/known in international field) of bringing our national refereed journal within the journal to be taken in the scope of SCI, has been carried on. Our application at the beginning of 2009 has been supported by ULAKBIM; however, there hasn’t been any improvement by Thomson Reuters yet, the authorized institution about this.

The Association of Food Technology held the 1st National Food Congress in Ankara in 1978 and 10th National Food Congress in Erzurum in 2008. These congresses, which are among Turkey's most broad-participated congresses, have gathered all scientists who are, directly or indirectly, concerned about food in the same platform. 11th National Food Congress will be held in Hatay in autumn of 2012.

The Association held an international food congress, jointly by Akdeniz University between November 3rd and November 6th in 2010 (www.intfoodtechno2010.org). Forty hundred and eighty-two scientists from 41 countries participated in this congress.

The preparation of the English version of the Association’s web site was completed in 2005. On our web site, all FOOD Journal articles (approx. 2000 as of June, 2011) starting from the 1st issue of the 1st Volume of the year 1976 when the journal started to be published, have been put into service for researchers on electronic environment. In addition to this, totally 752 Turkish abstracts belonging to the 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th national congresses and 535 English abstracts provided in the 1st International Congress on Food Technology) have been inserted on the website. These abstracts have taken place on international food databases.

On our website, not only abstracts of The Association of Food Technology but also abstracts of other food-based publications and congress take place.

We appreciate the people who directly or indirectly help us come to this point and contribute us.

Best Regards,

The Association of Food Technology
June 14, 2011