2nd International Congress On Food Technology November 03-06, 2013 Kuşadası

 Instructions for oral presentations 

Oral presentations for speakers are allotted 15 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for questions/discussion but each invited speaker will have 25 minutes for the presentation and 5 minutes for questions and comments from the audience. Since the Congress schedule is tight and synchronization between the parallel technical sessions must be maintained, all speakers should rehearse their presentation and stay within their allotted time.

The use of personal computers may cause delays in the sessions. Presenters are not required to bring their laptops to the Session Rooms since all Technical Session Rooms will be equipped with a data projector and a computer as well as microphones. Technical Session Rooms do not have Internet access. If your presentation requires an Internet connection, please check with the organizers for approval.

Please bring your presentation on a Windows readable USB flash Drive or CD-ROM, not on a floppy disk.

All speakers should check their presentation early in the morning of their presentation day to verify the presentation will function on the equipment provided. Speakers should arrive in Technical Session Rooms a ½ hour before the Session starts.

All presentations must be in Microsoft PowerPoint, version 2003. If this is not possible, your situation must be discussed with the organizers. The size limit for your presentation is 20 MB. When building your presentation, use standard fonts (e.g., Times Roman, Arial, New Times Roman), basic fonts are included on the Session Rooms’ computers but if an unusual font is used it may not translate.

We recommend that you bring a backup presentation format to cover the possibility of luggage loss, theft, and/or incompatibility.