2nd International Congress On Food Technology November 03-06, 2013 Kuşadası

 Instructions for session chairs 

Thank you for agreeing to serve as a Session Chair for 2nd International Congress on Food Technology 2014. You play a very important role in the success of this Congress. All Session Chairs are responsible for introducing each presentation, moderating the question period (including eliciting questions), and enforcing time limitations. Please do the following:

  • Confirm if there is a co-Chair for your Session and who it is. In some instances invitees declined to serve and alternatives were solicited. In the case of co-Chairs, the first Chair listed is the lead and is expected to make the first contact with their co-Chairs to determine how the co-Chairs will work together to assemble the Session Programme.
  • Arrive at the Session Room at least 20 minutes early and meet briefly with the speakers.
  • heck with the speakers as they arrive to find out who will participate in the presentation of the paper.
  • Check to make sure that the computer and projector are set up and ready to go.
  • At the beginning, introduce yourself and your affiliation.
  • Welcome the participants to the Session. Announce that each speaker will have 15 minutes to present their research. Please do remind that invited speakers will have 25 minutes for the presentation of their study.
  • Introduce each speaker giving their name, their university, title of their presentation, and other brief information as appropriate. Please do not change the order of the speakers, as the participants may shift around the parallel Sessions.
  • Politely inform the speakers when their time limit is approaching. Many Chairs pass a note to the speaker as they are approaching the end of their allocated time.
  • When the announced presentations have been completed, invite questions and comments from the participants.
  • Adjourn the Session promptly at the announced time.