2nd International Congress On Food Technology November 03-06, 2013 Kuşadası

 Instructions for poster presentations 

The format for the poster presentations is designed to provide a lively, informative interaction among colleagues from different parts of the world, young scientists and food science and technology professionals that will enhance the learning experience.

A) Set up:
It is very important that you follow this schedule for setting up and removing posters.

Wednesday, November 05, Poster Presentations
(Poster Session 1 – 13:30 to 14:15):
Posters set up November 05, 10:30 – 11:00,
Posters removed November 05, by 14:30
(Poster Session 2 – 17:45 to 18:30):
Posters set up November 05, 15:00 – 16:30,
Posters removed November 05, by 18:45

Thursday, November 06, Poster Presentations
(Poster Session 3 – 13:30 to 14:15):
Posters set up November 06, 10:30 – 11:00,
Posters removed November 06, by 14:30
(Poster Session 4 – 17:45 to 18:30):
Posters set up November 06, 15:00 – 16:30,
Posters removed November 06, by 18:45

Friday, November 07, Poster Presentations
(Poster Session 5 – 10:30 to 11:00):
Posters set up November 07, 09:00 – 10:15,
Posters removed November 07, by 11:15

Posters must be set up and removed promptly. It is the responsibility of the presenter to make sure the poster is mounted and removed on time.

Posters left on the boards after the sessions will be discarded and will not be mailed to presenters after the Congress. Both the Association of Food Technology – Turkey and Ankara University are not responsible for damage to posters during display, removal, or during the time following removal, nor are they responsible for removal or loss of a poster.

B) Mount of your display:
Posters should be prepared in dimensions of 70 x 100 cm and should be prepared in advance and brought to the meeting in person by the presenter. A display board oriented vertically and pins or thumbtacks will be provided to mount your display. A copy of your abstract in large typescript may be placed in the upper left corner of the display board. Do not mount illustrations on heavy board because these may be difficult to keep in position on the display board.

Note the abstract number when it’s given in the “Accepted Abstracts Programme”. This number will be posted on the display board assigned for your poster.

C) Presentation:
You must be present with your poster during the scheduled discussion time. You are encouraged to be with your poster during the entire poster session with your Congress badge weared.

D) Suggestions for Preparing Posters:
Remember, your poster will be available for viewing for several hours.

  • Your poster should be understandable without oral explanation
  • Your poster should be easily read from a distance of 1.5 m.
  • Organize your poster to correspond to your abstract: title, study objectives, design, type of participants, interventions, measurements and main results, and conclusion.
  • The objective of the work should be clearly stated.
  • Experimental details should be concise.
  • Tables and conclusions should be clearly stated.