2nd International Congress On Food Technology November 03-06, 2013 Kuşadası

 Registration fees 

The registration fees* (VAT is included) are as follows:

 Early bird by May 01, 2014Regular rates for May 02 - October 15, 2014Late rates for October 16 - November 05, 2014
Standard registration 250 € 300 € 325 €
Young researchers** registration 125 € 150 € 175 €
Single day registration 100 € 125 € 150 €

* Participants who do not accomodate at the Congress Hotel need to pay additional Congress Hotel entrance fee, that is 35 €/day.

Registration fees include admission to

  1. all Cogress sessions
  2. tea, coffee and lunches on each Congress day OR on your chosen day of attendance.
  3. Congress bag including Congress book and other materials

**Young researchers who are younger than 28 years old and are studying for an MSc with a thesis requirement or are pursuing a PhD at research centres or universities will have to produce proof of eligibility (scan of your Student-Identity Card) at the Congress site or the registration desk at the time of your registration.